Monday, July 9, 2012

Findation... Find Your Foundation Match!

Ever wanted to buy a foundation online but were unsure about which colour to choose? Findation is here to help!

It has never been easier to find a foundation match. Findation helps you find a foundation by using an algorithim to recommend similar shades, based on the matches entered by other foundation users.

Basically what you do is sign in (with either Twitter or Facebook) and enter in the foundation matches you already know. For example, I know for sure that MAC Face & Body in C2 is a perfect match for me, and so is Graftobian Hi Def Foundation in Ingenue. I can then use those choices to find my recommendations for other brands. It's genius!

I actually can't even begin to show you guys how excited I am about this, living in New Zealand makes it hard for me to shop for foundations, because the range here is so limited. I rely heavily on online shopping, and this is going to make things so much easier.

Thanks to the amazing GlossQueen for posting about this site, or I probably wouldn't have found out about it!

Hope you all find this as helpful as I have.
Thanks for viewing!

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