Friday, October 11, 2013

Review: Lush Dream Cream

Incredibly soothing body lotion for troubled skin. Dream Cream is Lush’s best-selling product because it makes sore skin feel good again. Chamomile and lavender calm irritations, reduce redness and banish blotches. We also use oat milk, too, which has traditionally been used on troubled skin for centuries. It contains everything nature makes for soothing your skin.

I am a sucker for Lush. I don’t know what it is, but I find it really hard to step inside one of their stores and NOT buy something. Their soaps are especially alluring and I kid you not, I have three of them sitting in my room right at this moment. 

Because I always get distracted by the soaps, I hardly ever stop and look at their other products. If I had’ve taken the time to check them out, I probably would’ve bought Dream Cream a looong time ago.

If I was to create the perfect cream for my sensitive skin, this would be it. Seriously.
It does everything a good body lotion should… and more! It’s soothing, very moisturising, absorbs rapidly and leaves my skin feeling soft and silky smooth.
To top it off, it has almost completely cleared up the dermatitis on my hands and legs!

I have been obsessed with this ever since I got it, and I highly recommend that you check it out here if you haven’t already.

Thanks for viewing!

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